Philippe Codde | Secretary of the exam and curriculum committee | American Culture | Postmemory & Postmodern
Philippe Codde is a visiting professor of American literature at Ghent University. He holds degrees from Ghent (Lic. and PhD), Antwerp (MA), and Fordham University (MPhil). He is the author of The Jewish American Novel (Purdue 2007) and has published widely on American literature in journals such as Modern Fiction Studies, Studies in American Fiction, Partial Answers, Yiddish (Modern Jewish Studies), Poetics Today, Modern Language Notes, European Judaism, and in volumes such as The Holocaust, Art, and Taboo: Transatlantic Exchanges on the Ethics and Aesthetics of Representation, and “Lost on the Map of the World”: Jewish-American Women’s Quest for Home in Essays and Memoirs, 1890-Present. At Ghent University, he teaches several courses on American literature and American culture. He is also the secretary of the exam committee and the curriculum committee of the Master program in American Studies at Ghent University. In his spare time, you might find him on a race bike.