Elisabeth Bekers | The Black Atlantic
Elisabeth Bekers is Lecturer of British and Postcolonial Literature at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and has taught at Hollins University (Fulbright Lecturer), the University of Antwerp and the Erasmuschogeschool Brussel. Her research focuses on literature from the African continent and its diaspora. She is currently working on a research project on Black British Women’s Writing & Criticism funded by the Flemish research council (FWO-Vlaanderen) and co-editing journal issues or books on Black British Women’s Writing, Creativity & Captivity, Imaginary Europes, and Brussels in Literature, where her own focus lies on neo-slave narratives and on the images of Europe and Brussels in black writing. She is the author of Rising Anthills: African and African American Writing on Female Genital Excision, 1960–2000 (U Wisconsin P, 2010) and co-editor of Transcultural Modernities: Narrating Africa in Europe (Rodopi, 2009). She has published various articles on literary explorations of female genital excision, the fiction of Nawal El Saadawi and Alice Walker, postcolonial rewritings of Robinson Crusoe, Black British Writing, and literature by authors of African descent in Flanders. She is co-director of the international Platform for Postcolonial Readings for junior researchers. You can find more information on her homepage.