Baloney, Ballyhoo and Barack !
Back to the question, who would you compare Obama too ? As we draw closer to the deadly anniversary of Dallas and Jack Kennedy's demise there are some curious connections. Firstly, placing aside the complex, confused and often misunderstood Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy was not as sure footed and productive as many think or suggest - The Bay of Pigs, his handling of Khrushchev and the Vietnam War are just three examples of his lack of managerial skill, Afghanistan, Health Care, and the Financial Crisis are Obama's. However, like the contemporary President JFK's heart was often well placed especially in the area of civil rights, but it took a political fixer like LBJ to tackle this issue in a practical and effective way. I get the feeling that a certain Hilary Clinton in 2016 will return and turn 'Obama Care' into something far more meaningful. The Berlin speech (1963) comes directly to mind when we talk about JFK, and for Obama his 'A More Perfect Union' in Philadelphia (2008) was 'on the money'. Both utilised their rhetorical skills to resonate with people that were and are feeling insecure.
A 'great' US President does not come along very often simply because of the inculcation required: the requisite managerial skills; the political space; and the good fortune to perform. FDR had all three, while JFK and Obama lacked them all. This triumvirate are all iconic because they represent or represented transition, FDR - New Deal and US pre-eminence, JFK - A new frontier, a new generation and a new societal way of thinking, Obama - ethnic, economic and societal change. But, only one seized the opportunity, managed the moment and actually made a difference - FDR was the 'real deal', Barack remains a rhetorical question mark.