The Pope having been consciously and somewhat conspicuously met by the US President at the steps of his plane went on to mention four Americans during his subsequent Congressional address, two iconic US figures - Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln - men that in their own unique way looked to unify a nation divided by racial and sectional hatred, both held a deep faith in the American way. The other two mentioned are no less significant since one was Doris Day, a radical, pacifist who founded the Catholic Worker Movement, because her passionate faith lay in social justice and therefore, her driving desire was to fight for the rights of the oppressed. The other was Thomas Merton, a monk who spent much of his energies extolling the virtues and his belief in a continual dialogue between differing faiths. In mentioning these citizens the Pope had identified, sketched out and explained the historic challenges that sit within American contemporary society - continuing raw racial division, growing social, educational and economic inequality and a deep lack of respect that many American Christians have for other faiths and beliefs.
Moreover, as the Pope finished his speech to the Congressional elite and the common citizen with a request to stop capital punishment whilst treating immigrants with respect I wondered what effect this meeting between God's representative and Mammon's agent had proffered. Since as the audience rose as one and applauded endlessly to the Pontiff's declaration that 'God Bless America', were they actually recognising the 'truths' within the speech or just reaffirming their faith in the American way ? As John Boehner, a Catholic Speaker of the House, sitting behind the Pope started to weep I was also left wondering whether the source of his emotion was to be found in the humanity of the narrative or in this particular politicians own often stated conviction held by many Americans that the nation's continuing material success is because of their close relationship with God. However, I now assume that it was more related to this gentleman's decision to leave Congress since he has been charged by his critics as not being 'faithful' enough to their American way. After all the greatest sin in this particular congregation is to be un-American, just ask God.