In 1855 a political movement in the US named itself the Know Nothing Party. In essence it developed out of a reaction sometimes violent to the arrival of large numbers of Irish and German Catholics immigrants during the 1840's and they subsequently operated under the banner of the Republican Party. It has been described as a semi-secret organisation - how you can be semi-secret defeats me - but shush! they were made up largely of white Protestants who were concerned primarily with the religious 'purity' of American citizenship. Now if you feel this theme has contemporary resonance then consider The Tea Party. Of course because of present day sensibilities, sensitivities and legislation the Tea Party and its standard bearers cannot be as outwardly racist as its political predecessor but you do not have to be a member of the KKK to understand the smuggled message that underpins much of Donald Trump and co's campaigning rhetoric. It simply boils down to this (you do not need to know anything else) - the reason behind the increasing economic and social tensions inside the US and the growing reduction of American influence overseas is due to the continuing dilution of the founding principles of the nation that were put in place and successfully promoted by white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Therefore, the remedy to the nation's ills is also simple. Reinstate these founding principles by reversing, removing or revising the current liberal agenda that currently pervades the nation.
Why has this reductive understanding been gaining traction ? Again simple, because the messengers of this reconstructed narrative have been successful in convincing sufficient numbers of average White Americans that they have become victims. The reason why you cannot get the job you deserve, the reason why cannot get into the correct school or college of your choice, the reason why there is increased violence in your community is because of the growing influence and behaviour of 'outsiders' who do not understand 'our rules'. Moreover, due to years of largely liberal 'leadership' - with the obvious exception of the Reagan presidency - we have seen preferential treatment given to minorities in the areas of education and employment, the promotion of sexual deviance (gay rights), and the development of religious practices and political views that are clearly Un-American. Our nation's priorities have become undermined by the corruption of others and the incompetence of our own government.
Now these selective sentiments, which are also felt by certain sections of European society, are based on 'knowing nothing'. On not knowing that the United States was energized and expanded by the very same multiplicity of ethnicities that are now seen by many as 'outsiders'. Moreover, without the influence and money these outsiders brought the Founders original project would not have been as successful in utilising and focusing the nation's imagination, innovation and industry. Also, what are these magical founding principles that have been recently infected by others? Well, self determination, individualism and a understanding of freedom through economic development do not strike me as issues that belong to one ethnic/religious group to the exclusion of others. However, if you are willing to no nothing about the 'hierarchy of race' that has existed throughout the US since its inception, if you are willing to no nothing about the continuing systemic unfairness built into the US legal system that is clearly not colour blind, and if you are willing to no nothing about the misuse of American power overseas as well as recognising the benefits it can bring then of course Trump and the rest of the 'boys in the band 'make perfect sense.
In the eyes of the law ignorance is no defence but it seems for many in the US that it is the ideal platform to launch a political movement and for some politicians an ideal environment to play dumb since Trump is not. For if they knew anything we could suggest that the conservative right are reliving the historic 'horrors' of the Red Scare, the Yellow Scare, Communist infiltration, black integration and Catholic contamination but thanks to the Glory of God - whoever he or she is - we know nothing about anything.
Please read on to know something... As time goes by