As Hilary continues her quest to play the main role in a serious if not lofty manner the main opportunity for 'laughs' are left to the new town clown of Republican politics Donald 'Duck' Trump who has decided either consciously or not - take your pick - to take his part very studiously by besmirching, belittling and ridiculing Women, Immigrants, Muslims, and his own fellow Republican political actors in no particular order. The outcome of these often racial and misogynistic reviews so far has been that the voices of 'professional' actors Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz et al have largely been drowned out by the continuing laughter from the back rows as Donald continues to suggest that his political understanding is as real as his hair. Moreover, since he is a white self made 'successful' business man he is the true representation of America and not a made up bit player of dubious origins and beginnings.
Some critics suggest that this political pantomime will soon give way to a more serious focus as the clock ticks towards first night and as the financial backers demand a cast that 'guarantees' them a long run and a healthy return on their investment. However, what does this ever lengthening and often grubby election process tell us about US politics? Firstly, that this reminds us that this political process is often unseemly but usually this part of the play gets shielded from the audience. Secondly, that neither party is in 'great shape'. It has been assumed for far too long that Hilary will get the Democrat ticket and that in part this has damaged her cause since this condition suggests a 'stitched up deal' that lacks a sense of transparency, democracy and legitimacy that most voters wish for but few actually receive. Since, do we really think that Bernie Sanders an independent and a 'socialist' stands a chance? Finally, that this comedic side of the political process only masks a growing weakness within the US political structure - a lack of genuine ability or facility to deal with the real systemic challenges of inequality, climate change and continual and continuing conflict. None of those issues we should find funny.