I ask this since over the next few months we will exposed to the mounting insanity that is the US primaries. Triggered by the bell that was rung for round one in Iowa on Monday night we had in the red corner Donald Duck Trump - the true blue heavyweight American - who was slatted to win big by the US polling data, but whoops along came another republican straight out of the same right field, well Canada actually but hey ho - Ted Cruz - punching above his weight and takes the Iowa crown. But wait a minute before fans of Ted the Texan start cheering too loudly apparently neither of these aforementioned gentlemen actually won. The real winner according to the ringside 'expert' commentators was Marco Rubio who came third in this political dog fight, but because of his 'performance' he is now seen as the real victor. But by who? Consider this, Donald and Ted are not real, they are just political phantoms placed to amuse and distract the crowd into believing that they actually have a real say in who becomes President. For it seems that the Republican party funded by Big Oil have already placed their 'undeclared' vote on an 'electable' and acceptable man from the sunshine state - Rubio. The days of Jeb Bush are but a distant memory.
Whilst in the Blue corner this political media show-time becomes even more 'entertaining'. Hilary Diane Rodham Clinton - the very experienced Arkansas bruiser - was slatted to win big in Iowa only last week, once again by those expert predictors of big data but suddenly we find that Bernie Sanders - the Socialist Slugger, a true red American - almost took the fight (Hilary on points 0.2%). But apparently Bernie did actually win because by coming second in the vote by such a close margin he now has the 'momentum' for the next contest in New Hampshire and is predicted to win big . But by who? Well, the Democrat Party funded by Wall Street are keeping their own counsel at present but is it likely that Sanders - a declared Democratic Socialist - will get the nod from the biggest capitalist club in town? Or is this come-back lady with confirmed Washington credentials as well as some interesting e mails going to enjoy the support of the 'establishment'? I wonder. Do not mention Bill.
There is a serious side to this comedic political narrative that has been consciously camouflaged by the hurly burly that comes with a big fight night (the post, post modern version of the Colosseum and the Roman illusion of SPQR ). Since the decision as to who will win the coloured nominations and get a 'shot at the title' will not be decided by the voters of Iowa or New Hampshire but by America's 'real people'; the investors that pay for and control the 'real message' - The story that we are told, the evidence that we are shown, and what we are told to believe.
Another sense of reality that US voters largely will not be exposed too (If you do not wish to descend into madness with me do not read this last paragraph). If we do not deal with climate change now (recognising that Paris was just another exercise in sophistry) the next generations that follow are toast. If we do not deal with the issues surrounding the use and abuse of natural resources now we will continue our downward spiral into contiguous and continuous bloody warfare. If we do not stop this current warrior based competition and redefine the place and space of being human meaningfully we will cease to exist. These elemental and primordial issues have nothing to do with ethnicity, gender and or sexual orientation. They have nothing to do with whether you were born in Wichita or Warsaw and they have little to do with the political conflict that will role out through the US over the coming weeks. But back to the show, who will really win? Whoever, big money tells us will win. As the present reality of our future is too awful to contemplate since our destiny is no longer being 'managed' by our 'elected' politicians but manipulated by the Multi National Corporations that pay for our thoughts to agree with their powerful short term cataclysmic ambitions, where do we hide?. Hence, the virtual reality of entertainment not enlightenment is the only real political game in town - true madness.